Happy 100th Year
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About Our Foundation
Over The Years
Over the years, based on suggestions from the U. S. Army Warrant Officers Association (USAWOA) membership, research by staff and volunteers, and the ever increasing demand for support which frequently translates to increased funding requirements, USAWOA looked for ways to improve the efforts to insure that the Army Warrant Officer heritage and history is properly maintained and presented to the public. It was concluded that the best way to do this is to create a separate foundation. During the summer of 2003, CW5 Franklin D. Meeks, then National President of the U. S. Army Warrant Officers Association (USAWOA), caused the Warrant Officers Heritage Foundation to be set up.
Why Was The Foundation Created
The USAWOA felt this action was necessary due to the USAWOA federal tax categorization. In 2021, the Internal Revenue Service determined the USAWOA was a 501(c)(19) veterans service, but in 2003, it was instead a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit (versus non-profit) organization. Separately incorporating the WOHF as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity afforded donors tax deductibility of their donations, and the opportunity to attract a larger potential pool of benefactors.

501 (c) (3)
Therefore, we took action to establish a non-profit charitable organization to replace the “USAWOA Museum Fund” program. The Warrant Officer Historical Foundation will administer the fund. The IRS categorizes charitable organizations as “501 (c) (3)” and gifts to these organizations are fully (and generally unquestionably) tax-deductible.

Tax Deductibility
USAWOA sought to clarify the “tax deductibility” question for present and potential financial donors. The 1972 IRS tax category designation letter for the Association clearly states that: “As a social welfare organization, contributions to you are not deductible by donors. You should advise your contributors to that effect.”

All Directors, Corporate Officers, and Volunteers serve without compensation.
The Warrant Officer Historical Foundation is organized, administered, and operated exclusively to receive, administer and expend funds as a public charity for among such other objectives and illustrative purposes only, and not by way of limitation, the following purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it may be amended from time to time:
Throwback Video
Hall of Fame
The following articles highlight some of the most influential to the history and success of the Warrant Officer Corps.
CW4 (Ret) DONALD E. HESS is one of the original founders of the United States Army Warrant Officer Association.
CW5 (Ret) David P. Welsh
Past USAWOA President 1988-1992, Founder, Incorporator, Registered Agent, President, Chief Operating Officer, Director and Webmaster of the Warrant Officer Historical Foundation 2003-2018
The Warrant Officer cohort’s Journal, Strength in Knowledge, is maintained by faculty and staff of the United States Army Warrant Officer Career College (USAWOCC). The quarterly publication supports Army University’s efforts to improve education and training for the U.S. Army, specifically the Warrant Officer’s education, whether common core or technical.